Conflict Coaching
Are conflicts at home or work affecting your health and relationships? It doesn't have to be this way. Working through the situation with a Conflict Coach to analyze, consider options and develop a communication plan can help you find a resolution.
There is something you can do about the situation, even if the other party won't engage in constructive dialogue.
Conflict coaching is a process that is offered by mediators skilled in interpersonal relations and conflict resolution.
It helps a single party develop conflict management plans and strategies when:
• there is an issue that the other party either does not know about or
• does know about but refuses to participate in mediation or engage in constructive dialogue
People who are unable to address and resolve conflicts for whatever reason, pay a big price. The costs range from unsatisfying marriages, unfulfilling careers, troubled children, estrangements from family and friends, isolation, to sickness and more serious escalations that sometimes have tragic consequences.
The benefits of coaching range from somewhat reducing the negative effects of the conflict to actually helping resolve and end the conflict.
With your coach's help you will:
• dismantle and examine the problem
• consider and evaluate alternatives
• learn new ways of expressing yourself through role plays
• gain confidence and perspective increasing your ability to cope with difficult situations
• develop a plan for future action
• Coaching is inexpensive, effective and targeted to the development of problem-solving plans specific to your situation.
• You learn to examine your conflicts with perspective, create and evaluate alternatives and create the ability to better express yourself.
• Client safety is emphasized through reality testing options and costing alternatives.
• Lower costs—both financial, emotional and health. Coaching makes no demands in resolving the conflict, only that as a first step, the consequences of conflict are made less harmful to the presenting party.
• You can take action to improve your situation, with or without the other party's participation.
Here are but a few examples of possible situations:
• Issues in the workplace
• Issues between spouses
• Teenagers and parents
• Schools and parents
• Relocation
• Elder care
• Estates/Inheritance
• Family estrangements